CERILH is opening the 2017 U18M and SW European Championships.

All the documents are available here:

Registration Process


boskovice 2017 - 1 update

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official squad list

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Below is a copy of the letter sent to all federations:

To all European federations, national team managers and trainers, referees
To CERS and CERILH members

Dear friends of In Line Hockey,

I’m delighted to announce that CERILH is now opening the registration to National Federations for a CERILH EURO U18 Men and CERILH EURO Senior Women.The competitions will take place in BOSKOVICE – Czech Republic, from July 13th 2017 to July 16th 2016 (arrival date on July 12th).

CERILH needs that all participant national teams and delegations send us, as soon as possible, the detailed information about:

  • The intend of participating to the competitions or not per team
  • The schedule programs of their travel

In the documents enclosed, you will find the CERILH EURO Competition Rules, Bulletin #1, documents for registration (Squad List and Registration document) and the application form for this Euro.

To all federations, CERILH has adopt new rules regarding referees nomination. It is now asked to all federation to send a list of referees with an international degree in activity, they want to propose for a European event. CERILH Referee Commission is now in charge of nominating refs. Federation of the country of residence of the ref is in charge of paying for travel costs.

For federations, CERILH needs a list as soon as possible, with the deadline set on May 26th 2017.

Thank you in advance for your feedback on this email.