CERILH is still a provisional committee with a project to be restarted and consolidate.

Last season has seen the creation of European Nations competitions that CERILH wants to maintain on a yearly basis for U18M. Then we have created the European League, which was a real success.

With the world championships in Asiago/Roana, European federation have prioritized their participation to this event, which was a real success for European countries. CERILH is proposing in Aug. 2016 a U18M European Championship.

In the meantime, CERILH wants to propose its plan for 2016-2017, give the dates in order to have all actors adding those rendez-vous in their national calendar. In this plan, 3 events are programmed :

  • Clubs European League Senior Men : March 2017
  • Clubs European League Senior Women : End of April or Beginning of May 2017
  • U18M European Championship in July 2017

You can access to the plan here with all the details on dates and other subjects:


cerilh plan 2016-2017

Size : 6.90 mo
Hits : 552
Date added : 2016-07-14 09:03:58
Date modified : 2016-07-14 10:35:38