On Sept. 11th and 12th 2015, CERS organized in Luso (Portugal) its CERS Central Committee.
Boris Darlet, CERILH President of the Provisional Committee, was participating to this meeting, were those points have been discussed:
  • Approval of the minutes of last CERS congress (the one where CERILH provisional committee was defined)
  • Report from the CERS president
  • Financial report of CERS
  • Report from each president of the technical committee
  • The committee central then voted on the changes of the statutes
    • CERILH will change its name to “CERS InLineHockey Committee”
    • Some changes dealing with the non respect with deadline payments
In this meeting, CERILH get positive feedback from the members. The work on rules has been really appreciated by member and it was also a real satisfaction for CERS members to see that a new European Championship was organized this year. CERS members expressed positive feedback regarding CERILH ability to set up rules and organize a good event in a really short time.
We get some feedback from CERS members, asking CERILH to respect the CERS rules, especially:
  • 1st: Latvia was not affiliated to CERS. This point about affiliation will be closely verified in the future
  • 2nd: 4 is not enough to call an event “Euro”. On this point, CERS president M. Claro told to CERS members that CERILH asked the permission to create the competition only with 4 teams and that M. Claro gaves CERILH its permission.
CERS committee confirmed that CERILH can change its rules without always passing by an approval by CERS committee.
Next step for CERILH will be to open Confederation and Champions Cups. M. Darlet also explained that due to the absence of visibility with the next World Champ. It is hard to define which will be the categories for next year CERILH EURO events.
For CERILH, the next real political discussion to open will be about rhythm between Worlds and Euros.